Search Results
Lisa McNeill, Professor of Tectonics within Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton.
Meet the team: Earthquakes and Tsunamis - Prof. Lisa McNeill
DMG23S08 - Marine Geosciences Seminar - Prof Lisa Mcneill
Seismogenesis, subduction zone structure & submarine fan development offshore Sumatra - Lisa McNeill
26th January 2021 - Nick HARMON (Univ. of Southampton, UK)
W1 Introduction to the Workshop
Donna Shillington | Early-stage magma-poor extension throughout the lithosphere in the Malawi Rift
Marine Seismology Symposium - Imaging Volcanoes and Rifts Poster Session
Earthquakes: Science on Shaky Ground
An Alternative Post-PhD Career: Academic Publishing
1.1 Mike Kendall - Seismic evidence for magma-assisted rifting in Ethiopia